
今天看了 Mactalk 的微信推送,里面提到了一个词语: 技术栈



开发 技术

马儿的胡萝卜 11 years, 10 months ago

程序员的 工具箱

会飞的茶几 answered 11 years, 10 months ago

掌握/需要/提供的 不同种类技术 更有逼格的一种说法。

河原木志穂 answered 11 years, 10 months ago


打比方说LAMP LNMP MEAN都是常见的web技术栈


bterm answered 11 years, 10 months ago


A technology stack comprises the layers of components or services that are used to provide a software solution or application. Traditional examples include the OSI seven-layer model, the TCP/IP model, and the W3C technology stack.
Technology stacks are often articulated as a list of technologies, such as "J2EE with Java Server Faces running against a SQL Server database" or as a diagram.

比如stackoverflow里面的一个回答 What technology stack to choose

  • Java (cross-platform)
  • JSF for the presentation layer. JSF is more or less similar to ASP.NET, (and Java and C# are also alike), so the .NET background wouldn't be such a problem.
  • Hibernate / JPA (powerful, multiple database support)
  • Selenium, JSFUnit, JUnit, TestNG for testing
  • Eclipse + plugins - mostly free
  • PostgreSQL - powerful and free
  • Some Linux distribution for OS
  • spring framework - you don't have any specific requirement for this, but it makes your life easier.


Karos answered 11 years, 10 months ago

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