

 convertView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    long lastClick;
    public void onClick(View v) {
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastClick <= 1000) {
    lastClick = System.currentTimeMillis(); 

这样写是编译通过的,但是如果我把long lastClick;放到onClick的里面第一行,然后再进行if来判断,就会报错要求对lastClick进行初始化,这时为什么啊?求解

程序员 java

Annita 11 years, 7 months ago

long lastClick放在 函数外, 是对象的成员变量, 默认初始化为0.

放在函数内, 称为本地变量. JLS7, #16 里有写:

"EACH local variable (§14.4) and every blank final field (§4.12.4,
§ must have a definitely assigned value when any access of its
value occurs. An access to its value consists of the simple name of
the variable (or, for a field, the simple name of the field qualified
by this) occurring anywhere in an expression except as the left-hand
operand of the simple assignment operator = (§15.26.1). For every
access of a local variable or blank final field x, x must be
definitely assigned before the access, or a compile-time error occurs

〃博丽灵梦¨ answered 11 years, 7 months ago

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