win7更新到win10 虚拟机 vagrant up 起动报错
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'lmb_centos6.6'...
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: lmb_vagrant_default_1447411934802_31073
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
There was an error while executing
, a CLI used by Vagrant
for controlling VirtualBox. The command and stderr is shown below.
Command: ["hostonlyif", "create"]
Stderr: 0%...
Progress state: E_FAIL
VBoxManage.exe: error: Failed to create the host-only adapter
VBoxManage.exe: error: Code E_FAIL (0x80004005) - Unspecified error (extended info not available)
VBoxManage.exe: error: Context: "int __cdecl handleCreate(struct HandlerArg
)" at line 66 of file VBoxManageHostonly.cpp