
[Wed May 08 18:18:12 2013] [notice]
Child 2340: Exit event signaled. Child
process is ending. [Wed May 08
18:18:12 2013] [warn] (OS
10038)在一个非套接字上尝试了一个操作。 :
failed. [Wed May 08 18:18:13 2013]
[notice] Child 2340: Released the
start mutex [Wed May 08 18:18:14 2013]
[notice] Child 2340: Terminating 115
threads that failed to exit. [Wed May
08 18:18:15 2013] [notice] Parent:
Child process exited successfully.
[Wed May 08 18:18:15 2013] [notice]
Apache/2.0.63 (Win32) PHP/5.2.14
configured -- resuming normal
operations [Wed May 08 18:18:15 2013]
[notice] Server built: Jan 17 2008
22:58:29 [Wed May 08 18:18:15 2013]
[notice] Parent: Created child process
2476 [Wed May 08 18:18:16 2013]
[notice] Child 2476: Child process is
running [Wed May 08 18:18:16 2013]
[notice] Child 2476: Acquired the
start mutex. [Wed May 08 18:18:16
2013] [notice] Child 2476: Starting
150 worker threads.

服务器环境是 win2003/apache2.0.63/php 5.2.14/mysql


服务器 apache

無限D剣製 11 years, 10 months ago

Your Answer