RabbitMQ的c++ API有哪些?


我想在项目中使用RabbitMQ来做队列,用于一些功能,服务器操作系统是centOS6.3 64bit,我打算把Consumer端用C++来实现!

请问大家,有没有推荐的RabbitMQ的c++ API?

官方上的: http://www.rabbitmq.com/devtools.html...

C / C++
RabbitMQ C client
SimpleAmqpClient , a C++ wrapper around rabbitmq-c
You can also try this community C Client and a port of this client to d
An ANSI C compliant library providing a C language interface to RabbitMQ
amqpcpp a C++ message library for RabbitMQ


消息队列 rabbitmq api C++ centos

誰家的小誰 12 years, 1 month ago

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