OS X 安装pkg一直卡在:正在准备安装 与 homebrew问题
Jun 3 12:47:45 cern com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Succeeded authorizing right 'system.install.software' by client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resources/runner' [1130] for authorization created by '/System/Library/CoreServices/Installer.app' [1124] (100003,0)
Jun 3 12:47:46 cern coreservicesd[61]: Application App:"安装器" [ 0x0/0xaf0af] @ 0x0x7f918964e130 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontASNs ( ( ASN:0x0-0xb10b1:) ), so denying.
Jun 3 12:47:46 cern WindowServer[106]: [cps/setfront] Failed setting the front application to 安装器, psn 0x0-0xaf0af, securitySessionID=0x186a5, err=-13066
这是抓到system.log 科学的搜索后,都给出这么一条命令sudo spctl --master-disable
另一个问题是,我brew --config 或者brew doctor会直接卡住不动
brew --config卡在Clang: xx就不走了。 brew doctor就直接没反应了 终端标题上要么是brew doctor(ruby)要么是mdfind,卡了几个小时也没任何反应。