
  1. 在_post中添加了新文章,本地调试完全正常
  2. push之后,远程访问无法看到新添加的文章
  3. 在repository里可以看到更新,但在Contribution activity里无法看到更新


github jekyll github-pages

谁的安全裤 10 years, 11 months ago


  • 关于本地调试正常,远程访问看不到,一般原因是解析错误,所以无法发布。如果你验证邮箱,有问题,应该会收到github的报错邮件 。 这个 也许对你有帮助。

  • 当时我也遇到过你的问题,但是我的问题主要是由于 Maruku 对代码部分的解析不够好,所以我用 pre code 标签代替反引号,很是麻烦。关于中文编码问题,我的博客也包含大量中文,没遇到过什么问题。

  • 解析出错也可能和 Maruku 有关, Maruku 已经停止更新,jekyll已经打算更换默认md解析器,详情请戳 这里

  • 关于Contribution activity看不到更新,一般是由于git邮箱设置和你的github邮箱不一致,可以执行命令如下命令查看 git config

  • 如果仍然无法解决,可以给github发邮件,他们回复还是挺及时的。

如果你git配置邮箱是你的github邮箱,看github 网站上的这么一段话话

 If your commit isn't showing up, check to make sure these are true:

> The email address you used to commit is associated with your GitHub account
> The commit was made in the past year.
> The repository isn't a fork.

Additionally there are a few ways we determine whether you are associated with a given repository. At least one of these things must be true for us to count a commit contribution:

> You have write access to the repository
> You are a member of the organization that owns the repository
> You have forked the repository
> You've opened an issue or PR on the repository
> You've starred the repository


路过啊路过 answered 10 years, 11 months ago

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