Jekyll 搭建 Blog 上传到 Github,访问报错 404?

我用Jekyll 搭建了blog,项目在本地( $jekyll --server )启动完全正常,上传到github之后,输入wushijing30.github.io直接转到404页面。尝试了好多方法,都找不到解决方法,麻烦实现了的哥们指点指点,代码托管在 ,真是万分感激。

之前访问直接为404,后来在本地 $ jekyll build 之后,push到github,这次可以访问,但是,里面的跳转链接如 “Welcome to Jekyll!”,点击之后还是404,查看 /_site/index.html ,生成的链接都不对,如

 <a class="post-link" href="/">Welcome to Jekyll!</a>

两者不一致,此时 _config.yml 为:

 # Site settings
title: Your awesome title
email: [email protected]
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
  Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
  line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
  Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
baseurl: / # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
twitter_username: jekyllrb
github_username:  jekyll

# Build settings
markdown: kramdown

我也尝试过将 baseurl: / 的配置改为 baseurl: / 依然不行,跳转的链接为:jekyll/update/2015/10/07/welcome-to-jekyll.html。

jekyll github-pages

吴克的叔叔葛炮 9 years, 4 months ago

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