java jsoup

 public static void main(String[] args){

    String s="<html><div><div><div>a</div>b</div>c</div></html>";
    Document doc = Jsoup.parse(s);
    Elements div ="div");

    **String   text= div.get(1).text();**


     }catch (Exception e){       

String text=div.get(0).text(); 结果显示: abc
String text=div.get(1).text(); 结果显示: ab
String text=div.get(2).text(); 结果显示: a

请问怎么能单独显示 b 或者 C ?

java jsoup

绮丽的梦境 10 years, 1 month ago


public String ownText()
Gets the text owned by this element only; does not get the combined text of all children.
For example, given HTML

Hello there now!

, p.ownText() returns "Hello now!", whereas p.text() returns "Hello there now!". Note that the text within the b element is not returned, as it is not a direct child of the p element.

专食葱的人 answered 10 years, 1 month ago

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