根据多列 是否为空, update一个结果列

一个表 有 a b c d 和 result列
现在想根据 a b c d是否为空,update这个表的result列
比如 全空 将result列更新为 0000
ad空 b c不空 result就是0110
abcd都有值 result就是1111


想起来一个 update table set result=NVL2(a,0,1)||NVL2(b,0,1)||NVL2(c,0,1)||NVL2(d,0,1)

sql oracle

gygy111 11 years, 1 month ago

update t_test111
set result = case when a is null and d is null and b is not null and c is not null then '0110'
when a is null and d is null and b is null and c is null then '0000'
when a is not null and d is not null and b is not null and c is not null then '1111'

nibhao answered 11 years, 1 month ago

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