不可能继承,因为fork后子进程只能有一个线程。道理其实很简单,如果需要继承所有线程,简直是无法想象的。比如,进程A里,线程A_1正在操作一个链表,这时线程A_2正在操作一个栈,而线程A_3fork出了进程B, 难道要让B_1应该在哪里接着运行呢?是操作A_1的链表还是操作A_2的栈?
根据Unix 98标准, fork后,子进程只能有一个线程:
A process shall be created with a single thread. If a multi-threaded process calls fork(), the new process shall contain a replica of the calling thread and its entire address space, possibly including the states of mutexes and other resources. Consequently, to avoid errors, the child process may only execute async-signal-safe operations until such time as one of the exec functions is called. [THR] Fork handlers may be established by means of the pthread_atfork() function in order to maintain application invariants across fork() calls.
When the application calls fork() from a signal handler and any of the fork handlers registered by pthread_atfork() calls a function that is not asynch-signal-safe, the behavior is undefined.