

游戏开发 开发 COC 手游 部落冲突

狐尾TenKo 10 years, 8 months ago

《Clash of Clans》其玩法主要受到《Travian》和《Backyard Monsters》这两者的启发。

《Clash of Clans》其制作团队初始6-8人都是10年以上游戏开发经验。其中有几个成员就是《 Galaxy life》开发者,对原著的了解,以及上一款项目的失败让他们在这里找到了新的突破点。

《Clash of Clans》团队情况: 从开工到初次发布一共历时6个月。团队原先只有5个成员,但临近发布游戏时又扩展到了8个人。 Supercell 8个创始人有5个是前DC的员工 , COC创意确实来自galaxy life。

游戏美术技术: 游戏美术采用的是预渲染3D技术,3D模型的一大好处在于它很容易让我们针对新iPad的Retina分辨率渲染内容,游戏图像是使用3D Max、Photoshop和Flash、 Maya创造。

技术架构和工具: 游戏开发使用SUPERCELL自己的引擎,所有的客户端代码都是用Objective-C和C++来编写,服务器代码用的是Java。

Did the concept or gameplay change radically during development?

Not really. We had our first company-wide playable demo in just two months from the get-go. All basic gameplay elements except clans were there.

After playing it for a full weekend and seeing the how much everybody at Supercell got into it, we knew we were onto something. However, we couldn't have imagined just how much players would love it.

Was it always a 3D game and how important do you think this has been for its success?

The main goal with Clash of Clans has always been playability over everything else.

Our camera angle is a lot higher than in similar games to make building and editing of your village as easy as possible.

The game art is pre-rendered 3D. One big advantage of 3D models was that they made it really easy for us to render them in retina resolution for the launch of the new iPad.

How long did development take and what tools did you use?

Six months from start to the first release. Originally we had only five members in the team, but towards release we scaled the team up to eight.

All client code is written in Objective-C and C++, and server code in Java. The game's graphics are produced using 3ds Max, Photoshop and Flash. Note that I'm using the present tense. Clash of Clans' development is far from over, so expect some really cool updates in the future!

Where there any major problems you had to overcome?

This has been an exceptional project in many ways. One of them is that there have been no major problems. It has been a big effort, especially for such a small team, but we were able to focus on the most important task and deliver on our original vision of a multiplayer strategy game that we ourselves want to play.

Taiga answered 10 years, 8 months ago

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