Angular.js Dependency Injection 的实现原理是什么?

The simplest way to get hold of the dependencies, is to assume that the function parameter names are the names of the dependencies.

 function MyController($scope, greeter) {

Given a function the injector can infer the names of the service to inject by examining the function declaration and extracting the parameter names. In the above example $scope, and greeter are two services which need to be injected into the function.

上文是在 Dependency Injection 这篇Guide中截去的原文。其中讲到如果Controller需要某样服务,则只需在他构造函数的参数里添加并指定正确的名称就行了。像上面的例子里,Angular会自动寻找$scope和greeter这两个服务,并传递给函数。

 function ACtrl(paramA,paramB){}


angularjs JavaScript

dr-路修 10 years, 7 months ago

AngularJS 是通过静态编译来分析参数的。

 function ACtrl(paramA,paramB){}
"function ACtrl(paramA,paramB){}"

通过对函数 toString() 操作,获取到函数全部内容,然后进行编译处理。


我爱明日香 answered 10 years, 7 months ago

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